
Gen Z Emotion Brand Tracker

April 2022

Demographic information alone is no longer enough to bring personalization to scale. We invite you to see the power of adding emotional contextualization to first and zero party data to best meet customers where they are at.

Note that you’ll need to use the following credentials to log into the dashboard:

u: GenZDemo@brandthro.ai
pw: GenZDemo

Inside, you will have access to the OCEAN Personality analysis of each target population, as well both Emotional Linguistic Analysis reports. Namely, those sections entitled “Affect” and “Authenticity + Tension”.

Below are some of the key takeaways from the April 2022 Gen Z Emotion Brand Tracker ePR. We encourage you to poke around and validate this analysis for yourself. When you’re finished, feel free to use the button below to get in touch with any questions or comments about the report.


  1. Our data supports recent speculation about traditional broad models of segmentation being flawed. Gen Z is a discerning, mature-beyond-their-years consumer who is poised to shake up traditional generational marketing techniques.
  2. There are HUGE differences across all demos related to emotional brand engagement.
  3. Gen Z personality is highly agreeable in nature, which defines someone who is attracted to action-oriented purpose, through a highly empathetic lens.


  • The survey was conducted in February 2022 by BRANDthro
  • BRANDthro uses non-equilibrium signal analysis on emotional data which provides a minimum of 100 data points to produce target emotional analyses that are 99% accurate for the entire sample, 97% accurate within each segment
  • 50 of the top brands most popular with Gen Z ( across the categories of tech,  entertainment, retail/apparel, auto and food) were presented to targets via brand logos. Their emotional response to each comprises the data within this research.
  • 181 respondents. All respondents were screened based on age (13 – 17, 18 – 21, 22 – 24), race (White/Caucasian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino) and sexual identity (male, female, non-binary).  The overall sample has broad US geographical representation. 
  • If this study were to be done statistically, it would have required a sample of 500 minimum, and yielded an accuracy rate of 95% vs 99%
  • Due to the high level of accuracy, variations in the data greater than .01 for all are considered significant for ALL, and greater than .03 for each individual segment. Samples sizes by individual segment are scientifically valid

u: GenZDemo@brandthro.ai

pw: GenZDemo

Use the button and credentials above to access the Gen Z Brand Tracker on our data dashboard platform.
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